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Autor Tema: Subjektivni osećaj temperature  (Pročitano 5404 puta)

Van mreže p.e.dj.a

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  • Poruke: 63
  • Lokacija: Užice
    • Peđina beležnica
Subjektivni osećaj temperature
« poslato: 09. Mart 2013. u 08:52 »
MOže li se nekako izrašunati subjektivni osećaj temperature naosnovu podataka sa meteorološke stanice. Imam samo windchill, ali on ne uzima u obzir vlažnost vazduha.

Van mreže Profiamater

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  • Poruke: 3.319
  • Starost: 105
  • Lokacija: Beograd-centar, 130mnv
Odg: Subjektivni osećaj temperature
« Odgovor #2 poslato: 09. Mart 2013. u 13:54 »
Mali dodatak prethodno spomenutom:
THSW INDEX, nije baš lak za računanje ali koga zanima može malo da "progugla"  ;)
THSW Index uzima uticaj temperature, vetra, rel. vlažnosti vazduha i sunčevog zračenja.

Neke od formula za računanje subjektivnog osećaja temp. su (AT = apparent temperature):

The formula for the AT is an approximations of the value provided by a mathematical model of heat balance in the human body. It can include the effects of temperature, humidity, wind-speed and radiation. Two forms are given, one including radiation and one without.

Version including the effects of temperature, humidity, and wind:
AT = Ta + 0.33×e − 0.70×ws − 4.00

Version including the effects of temperature, humidity, wind, and radiation:
AT = Ta + 0.348×e − 0.70×ws + 0.70×Q/(ws + 10) − 4.25

Ta = Dry bulb temperature (°C)
e = Water vapor pressure (hPa) [humidity]
ws = Wind speed (m/s) at an elevation of 10 meters
Q = Net radiation absorbed per unit area of body surface (w/m2)

The vapor pressure can be calculated from the temperature and relative humidity using the equation:

e = rh / 100 × 6.105 × exp ( 17.27 × Ta / ( 237.7 + Ta ) )
where: rh = Relative Humidity [%]

Treba napomenuti da mnoge firme imaju "svoj" način računanja "subj. osećaja" i te formule patentiraju i štite (npr. "RealFeel" by AccuWeather...)