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Autor Tema: Joe Bastardi i drugovi-European Blog  (Pročitano 44821 puta)

Van mreže Ljubiša

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  • Poruke: 4.601
  • Lokacija: Čestereg - opština Žitište - Srednji Banat
    • www.cestereg.rs
Odg: Joe Bastardi i drugovi-European Blog
« Odgovor #100 poslato: 16. Novembar 2010. u 16:42 »
If you like winter cold... you'll love what's coming.
Jedva čekam ovaj scenario. Ove "vrućine"  :ufff: su mi baš dosadile!  :(

Van mreže slovenka

  • **
  • Poruke: 1.872
  • Starost: 38
  • Lokacija: Prebold / Miklavž pri Taboru / Slovenija
  • I Love Winter and Summer!!




Van mreže Dejo

  • Moderator
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  • Lokacija: Subotica
    • Sumeteo
Odg: Joe Bastardi i drugovi-European Blog
« Odgovor #102 poslato: 16. Novembar 2010. u 18:49 »

Van mreže Ljubiša

  • ***
  • Poruke: 4.601
  • Lokacija: Čestereg - opština Žitište - Srednji Banat
    • www.cestereg.rs
Odg: Joe Bastardi i drugovi-European Blog
« Odgovor #103 poslato: 16. Novembar 2010. u 18:59 »
Jel' on to hoće da kaže da ćemo imati zimu onakvu kakvu su Nemci i ostali imali prošle godine?  :oboze:

Van mreže PedjaN

  • *
  • Poruke: 408
  • Starost: 32
  • Lokacija: Oplanici,Kraljevo
  • I love snow!
Odg: Joe Bastardi i drugovi-European Blog
« Odgovor #104 poslato: 16. Novembar 2010. u 19:34 »
Dosta je vise bilo temperatura preko 20°C,jos samo da se ostvari ovo i bice radosti za nas snegoljuopce. :ufff:

Van mreže slovenka

  • **
  • Poruke: 1.872
  • Starost: 38
  • Lokacija: Prebold / Miklavž pri Taboru / Slovenija
  • I Love Winter and Summer!!
Odg: Joe Bastardi i drugovi-European Blog
« Odgovor #105 poslato: 19. Novembar 2010. u 19:44 »




Van mreže dikile

  • Moderator
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  • Lokacija: Paraćin, 129 m n.v.
Odg: Joe Bastardi i drugovi-European Blog
« Odgovor #106 poslato: 19. Novembar 2010. u 20:33 »
Ja iz ovog videa nevidim nista znacajno za nase prostore, malo snega u sledeci petak, pa posle opet toplo, a sneg na zapadu Evrope..

Van mreže slovenka

  • **
  • Poruke: 1.872
  • Starost: 38
  • Lokacija: Prebold / Miklavž pri Taboru / Slovenija
  • I Love Winter and Summer!!
Odg: Joe Bastardi i drugovi-European Blog
« Odgovor #107 poslato: 22. Novembar 2010. u 16:32 »
Nije nista vazno, ali bas Sloveniju je pomenuo hehee zbog emailova ???



Okay, I have to shut down email responses because 1) there are too many and 2) I am surprised that when a forecast comes out for December-February that I am getting email from people in the targeted cold areas FOR THE WINTER AS A WHOLE that are in a panic because it's colder north and west. Come on, it's like you guys are acting like Americans do, not giving anything a chance and forgetting the entire picture. When we total the winter up, it will be colder in the areas I have colder, if not I am wrong. But I am getting email out of Slovenia for instance, demanding to know why it isn't cold. Suppose December is mild then January and February are brutally cold... what does that add up to. In the UK, the coming 10-15 days, against the normals, may be the coldest of the winter for instance.

But yell at me March 1, okay...we will total it up then. I put that forecast out; now let it ride.

Last year I remember over here when it got warm for a week in January people blasted me saying how the winter was over, then late January and February it went right to the forecast and beyond, and when we totaled it, it was fine. It's like we all turned into video game robots that need a fix early.

So I have to shut down the answers to this. My forecast for the winter as a whole is unchanged.

Now to more important items...




Van mreže ciklon

  • ****
  • Poruke: 5.372
  • Starost: 40
  • Lokacija: Vrbas
Odg: Joe Bastardi i drugovi-European Blog
« Odgovor #108 poslato: 22. Novembar 2010. u 16:47 »
Sad sam krenuo da okacim novosti od Bastardija(pretece me Slovenka) i da napisem jos da mail koji je dobio iz Slovenije sigurno Slovenkin (pa ko bi se drugi zalio sto ne stize zima ???), mogao sam se u zivot kladiti....  :super:  :D

Van mreže slovenka

  • **
  • Poruke: 1.872
  • Starost: 38
  • Lokacija: Prebold / Miklavž pri Taboru / Slovenija
  • I Love Winter and Summer!!
Odg: Joe Bastardi i drugovi-European Blog
« Odgovor #109 poslato: 22. Novembar 2010. u 16:54 »
Sad sam krenuo da okacim novosti od Bastardija(pretece me Slovenka) i da napisem jos da mail koji je dobio iz Slovenije sigurno Slovenkin (pa ko bi se drugi zalio sto ne stize zima ???), mogao sam se u zivot kladiti....  :super:  :D

Hehee e pa mogu ti reci da nije moj email, slala sam mu ja ali ovako nesto sigurno ne... to je verovatno neko iz ZEVS foruma od mladih naravno, neko stariji sigurno ne bih slao to... zanimljivo, nisam mogla verovati odmah su mi oci skocile tamo pa sam mislila da je nesto za Sloveniju napisao, kad procitam ono oko emailova hehee ne mogu verovati




Van mreže ciklon

  • ****
  • Poruke: 5.372
  • Starost: 40
  • Lokacija: Vrbas
Odg: Joe Bastardi i drugovi-European Blog
« Odgovor #110 poslato: 22. Novembar 2010. u 16:59 »
Eh,sad si me razocarala. Ja mislio da si ti poslala mail.......

Van mreže ptprince

  • Počasni član
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  • Poruke: 4.901
  • Starost: 59
  • Lokacija: Asteroid B607... ili bilo koji drugi
  • Le Petit Prince
Odg: Joe Bastardi i drugovi-European Blog
« Odgovor #111 poslato: 23. Novembar 2010. u 09:19 »
Čuj, da nije to uradio neko drugi, verovatno bi slovenka briljirala. ;D
Ne žurite, zastanite malo ispod same zvezde! Ako vam tada priđe neki dečak, ako se smeje, ako ima zlatnu kosicu, ako ne odgovara kada ga pitate, odmah ćete se setiti ko je on. Budite tada ljubazni! Ne ostavljajte me ovako tužnog: odmah mi napišite da se vratio...

Van mreže slovenka

  • **
  • Poruke: 1.872
  • Starost: 38
  • Lokacija: Prebold / Miklavž pri Taboru / Slovenija
  • I Love Winter and Summer!!
Odg: Joe Bastardi i drugovi-European Blog
« Odgovor #112 poslato: 23. Novembar 2010. u 15:31 »

Major cold and some snow is on the way the next week to 10 days across northwestern Europe and London is liable to see the heaviest pre-Dec. 1 snow in at least 19 years (that is all I went back last night). The winter season of 2005-2006 came out of the box fast too (another mega hurricane number year) with the number to beat the last five days of the month in London town at -6.7. So we have to shoot for that and accumulating snow, and I think we are going to get it.

The cold will last through the first week to 10 days of the month but will back off after that. This is not the winter pattern yet. What is going to happen for the heart of winter is the block, now over Greenland and Iceland, will reform over Scandinavia and into the northern part of Great Britain. This will allow the mean trough to form underneath for the heart of winter, hence the threat of the major winter in the coldest part of the year farther south. It's like what will happen in the eastern U.S. the next 3-4 weeks, a rip-roaring start to winter there, then it will reverse. Well the rip-roaring start in Europe this year is not where the heart of winter will be cold. I understand all of you that disagree with me are upset, but look at it this way. If I am wrong, then you should be happy about it; if I am right, no use worrying about it anyway.

Enjoy the weather now in the area having the early winter shot.

Note: Global temp yesterday was .42c LOWER than last year at this time. This is a product of the nino warming that started kicking in last year and the nina cooling that is kicking in now. The forecast, remember, is for global temps to drop to normal or below as measured OBJECTIVELY, by satellite by March. In addition, ice next year will melt to levels only seen back in 2005 and 2006 as the Arctic ice death spiral ideas will have no way to gain traction as next year's ice melt season will get underway late and the melt should be less than any year since 2006.




Van mreže slovenka

  • **
  • Poruke: 1.872
  • Starost: 38
  • Lokacija: Prebold / Miklavž pri Taboru / Slovenija
  • I Love Winter and Summer!!
Odg: Joe Bastardi i drugovi-European Blog
« Odgovor #113 poslato: 29. Novembar 2010. u 23:55 »




Van mreže ciklon

  • ****
  • Poruke: 5.372
  • Starost: 40
  • Lokacija: Vrbas
Odg: Joe Bastardi i drugovi-European Blog
« Odgovor #114 poslato: 30. Novembar 2010. u 00:24 »
Videcemo i to cudo, i dalje najavljuje veoma hladnu zimu za Balkan, narocito mi se svidja ona tamno plava mrlja nad Srbijom.
Cekacemo pa cemo valjda docekati!

Van mreže gencic

  • Moderator
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  • Poruke: 1.705
  • Starost: 36
  • Lokacija: Bežanijska kosa- Zapadni deo Bg-a
Odg: Joe Bastardi i drugovi-European Blog
« Odgovor #115 poslato: 30. Novembar 2010. u 00:42 »
Jaooo, sad mi pomera pa mi vice 2-3-4 nedelje, ceo prvi mesec zime, pa ce nam se onda sve to naplatiti(to je doduse rekao za S. Ameriku, ali pp da bi slicno bilo i za nas) u januaru i februaru.Gubim strpljenje...  :D

Van mreže ciklon

  • ****
  • Poruke: 5.372
  • Starost: 40
  • Lokacija: Vrbas
Odg: Joe Bastardi i drugovi-European Blog
« Odgovor #116 poslato: 04. Decembar 2010. u 17:22 »
Dva vezana posta cu postaviti posto su mi izmakli ovih dana.



That does not mean beach weather for Ireland and England, it means it wont be as bad as what is going to develop over the central Europe for the mid month. I will post more on this later, but some of you not caught in the cold now, get ready, this is expanding and centering itself further southeast with time.

Look at it this way.. Santa is coming three weeks from tomorrow and he will have weather more suited for him in much of the northern hemisphere population centers.. the US and the far east should still be cold too.

Ice fairs on the Thames, anyone?

ciao for now


In case you did not read the article, here is the question:

Are we freezing because of global warming?

Here is the answer: No, you are freezing, and get used to it, because the cyclical nature of climate is heading for colder times.

Several years ago, here in the states on the O'Reilly Factor TV show, I revealed a chart entitled the triple crown of cooling. Natural Oceanic cycles, Solar cycles and volcanic activity. Why is it, that when the PDO has changed, the sun is much less active than it has been in previous times ( the time of Victoria was referenced, and lo and behold, perhaps we are getting weather like that) and two major arctic volcanoes go off and with them, their natural lag time for cooling which is evolving now, the very answers that are logical are ignored in such articles.

It is amazing how we are expected to swallow such things.

I will give an example of the basic difference between what I do, and what the global warming community does. The post below explains that the NSIDC ideas are above board, when I had posted my suspicions on them and showed the evidence as I saw it. When they took the time to email and show me exactly what they were doing, what did I do? Immediately made sure you knew I had seen that and corrected for it. Not simply say, no its still as I say.

Yet NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS WITH THESE FOLKS AS FAR AS THE EARTHS TEMPS there is no getting around the fact they will claim they are right, and do so to a point where they seek to shut down debate.

Now perhaps in this Alice in Wonderland weather world, if the earths temps drop as I say, we will find that up is down and down is up. But if its me, and I have said this many many times, if you want a reason to push the agenda of alternative energy, you better darn well understand that what I am saying, that the earth cools back to the 70s, given the population and economies of the planet, is much more a pressing issue than if we warm it up. And simply shutting off the current sources that help in the advancement of mankind because of some unproven argument, is only going to lead to increased misery on our planet.. of our own making, and it wont be because of an increase in co2.

Again, for my euro readers, using the football argument..if we follow the logic put forth in this article, then the more your team scores, the more they will fall behind.

ciao for now ****

Van mreže ciklon

  • ****
  • Poruke: 5.372
  • Starost: 40
  • Lokacija: Vrbas
Odg: Joe Bastardi i drugovi-European Blog
« Odgovor #117 poslato: 05. Decembar 2010. u 21:16 »
I doticni najavljuje ono sto mi svi ocekujemo za par dana, citajte...


Winters core will push further southeast this week and while its cold to start in the northwest, it does get milder for the late week, even above normal a few days over Ireland and much of the northern part of the United Kingdom

However this is not the end. The pattern is very similar Dec 14-23 to Jan 1-10 last year. If you remember, major cold engulfed much of China, the eastern US and Europe to open the new Year and another round of major cold appears to be lurking in the longer term in the areas in Europe that have suffered the last 2 weeks. I think what we are seeing here is the evolution southeast of the core of cold so for the heart of winter, it is where it will be later this week into part of next week, but enough blocking continues to pull this cold back so another round of UK covering snow and cold may be in the works the 15th, perhaps all the way to around Christmas. The lack of the true flip ( the warming coming is an island of warmth in the sea of cold) means this is likely to be the coldest December for the northwest since, well, we have to go back a long long time.

In the meantime, but the weekend the cold of the worst cold will be into the south of Europe ( relative to normal) with the core swinging from southern France into the Balkans by early next week as the northwest warms. Again I do not have the time to post on this the way I would like too, but felt this big ticket shift back and forth of extreme cold is something I should warn you about.

Side note: On the free site I have issued the Monday morning global ice report a day early to clear up any issues about the US based NSIDC reports. I explained this in an earlier post, but believe as sure as the sun rises in the east that in spite of an appearance of them running a bit low, it is a question of interpretation and calculation. Above all, I want to make sure that right or wrong, I speak to the truth as I see it, and after their email to me, I see exactly what they are saying and will make sure they are referenced as yet another objective tool to use in this debate, which to me, is what this is truly all about. I would have re-done this quicker, but was out of town.

For the record, I do believe alot of the people in this great climate debate are honest brokers, even some of my most harsh critics. In any case, if we let it play out, we will get our answer over the coming years, as long as we can continue to look at all the data in an objective manner.

In the meantime, some of the things I have been saying to look for from a few years ago are showing up. Does it mean I am right? Not yet. But it does mean I have a chance to be right, and at the very least, argue for an open mind. I think the rationale person would say yes. The start of a post nino fall in the earths temp and some of the intrusions of cold into areas that 10 years ago had people saying cold would not show up like this any more, make my argument one that is more palatable than one that says, that by growing colder, its a sign its growing warmer.

Van mreže slovenka

  • **
  • Poruke: 1.872
  • Starost: 38
  • Lokacija: Prebold / Miklavž pri Taboru / Slovenija
  • I Love Winter and Summer!!
Odg: Joe Bastardi i drugovi-European Blog
« Odgovor #118 poslato: 06. Decembar 2010. u 20:39 »




Van mreže lazar

  • *
  • Poruke: 352
  • Starost: 38
  • Lokacija: Kragujevac
Odg: Joe Bastardi i drugovi-European Blog
« Odgovor #119 poslato: 06. Decembar 2010. u 22:11 »
 ^^ ^^ Uh strasno veliku stvar je rekao Bastardi, izmislio toplu vodu, samo je potvrdio ono sto predvidja GFC model iz izlaza u izlaz :blahblah: Meni su mnogo merodavnije prognoze koju daju primera radi, ciklon ili kimi znajuci da su oni zimoljupci ipak daju sve od sebe da budu sto vise objektivni ma koliko voleli zimu ne dozvoljavaju sebi toliki luksuz da im razumom zavladaju strasti, dok se za velikog Bastardija to ne moze reci, to sto je on toliko opterecen globalnim zahladjenjem stvarno postaje toliko neukusno, pa nije on izmislio zimu, zime su bile pre njega i postojace i posle njega, imam utisak da pokusava nesto na silu da dokaze i da se time nametne na jeftin nacin da je iznad ostalih , mozda cak i na samom vrhu piramide, tipican Amerikanac. A o njegovim dugorocnim prognozama da ne pricam, neka se ne ljute njegovi obozavaoci, nebrojano puta su mu dugorocne prognoze pale u vodu kao sto to inace i biva sa dugorocnim prognozama, a to sto je par puta uspeo da "pogodi" jer su prognoze za 2 ili 3 meseca cisto pogadjanje neka zahvali sreci  zakonu verovatnoce i povoljnim spletom okolnosti.... Pa nije tesko gadjati ili ce biti hladno ili ce biti toplo sanse su 50-50 kao kod pola deteta ili ce biti musko ili zensko tj kad ciganka Mara iz donjeg Bogutovca trazi 100 evra ako pogodi ako ne pogodi vraca pare  ??? :lmao: :rofl: Niko mu ne spori da je on dobar meteorolog, mozda je on i odlican ali neka se time zadovolji, a ne da pravi zvezdu od sebe na kontu neke nedovoljno ispitane i dokazima opskrbljene teorije, Slazem se sa onima sto cene njegov lik i delo, da sarmantni gosn. Basta Gagnsta  ;D moze da posluzi kao neka dopuna prognozama, ali za sve ostalo po mom misljenju je irelevantan.