Evo konkretne prognoze od Bastardija za citavu Evropu, praticemo i ocenicemo je!
I hope to have a detailed European video on the free site this upcoming week. We have a pro site, where people pay for my day to day commentary and videos, and I think some of the misunderstanding here is that many of you dont understand that what you see here on the free site is the tip of my iceberg..in other words, work I volunteered to do because I wanted to show folks in Europe that I could forecast for you.. and that was to attract business interests in Europe as well as some of the altruistic motives. However a marked increase in my work demands in other areas has curtailed that idea, and so I have not been able to weigh in as much, and it pains me. Still the moving emails to me not only got me to do this, but, and if you are going to read my column you'll have to put up with my ideas ( if you don't like what I say, dont read it) really illuminated Luke 7:9 to me. Being that I am into things like, I felt to say thank you, I should make sure I get this out to you!
So here is what I have done. I have gone into much more detail in regions or countries. Please take no offense is your country is not mentioned specifically, you may just fall into the weather region I have you in. I have my map of Europe in front of me ( notice I even included Iceland!) and so I have really upped the ante here so to speak.
The analog package is much warmer than I have over the north. In fact, the analogs of La Ninas coming off el ninos the previous year is for major warmth north of 40 north, which is much of europe, centered over Scandinavia where winter temps approach as much as 7 above normal ( f)! Some of you, especially my readers in the United Kingdom are really chafing at my less than enthusiastic winter forecast there. Sorry, I just dont believe its going to be that cold.. a bit above normal in the north, near normal in the south, and while I am sure there will be times winter comes calling, there is more danger of it being warm than cold this winter. Its not last year.
That being said, from Italy and the Alps through the Balkans and Turkey, through the Ukraine and into the south of Euro Russia, this looks to be a cold winter and one with more than normal snowfall. So here it is Temps are in F
Iceland temps 1.5 above normal precip near normal snowfall near normal/
United Kingdom.. London Temps -.2f below normal precip 90% of normal snow normal Glasgow temp plus .5 precip below normal snowfall below normal/
Ireland Dublin Temp plus .2F precip 90% of normal snow below/
France Paris temp -.2F precip 90% of normal snow near or a little above normal/
Spain...Madrid temp -.6F precip normal snow near or a little above normal/
Portugal Lisbon temp -.8F temp precip near normal snow near or a little above normal/
Switzerland. Geneva temp -1 f precip normal snowfall above normal/
Italy. North temp -1 precip near normal snowfall a bit above Italy south temp -1 precip above normal snow a bit above/
Austria Vienna temp -1.5 precip a bit above normal snowfall above normal/
Germany north temps .2 to .4 above normal precip below .. snowfall below normal Germany south temps .2 to .4 BELOW normal precip normal snowfall a bit above Benelux Same as northern Germany/
Scandinavia. 1 above normal south, 2-4 above normal north, precip below normal, snowfall much of Scandinavia below normal/
Poland temps 1 above normal north, 2 below normal south. precip below normal north, above south. snowfall near or below normal north, above normal south/
Czech republic temps 1-2 below normal precip slightly above snowfall above/
Balkans bounded by Slovakia and Hungary on north, Albania to Bulgaria on south, and eastward into the Ukraine temps 2-4 F below normal precip above normal snowfall above normal/
Greece temps 1-3 below normal north, 1 below normal south, precip above normal, snowfall above normal/
Turkey temps 1-3 below normal precip above, snowfall above/
Belarus Temps 1-2 below normal precip below snowfall near normal/
Lithuania.. normal across the board./
Latvia, Estonia temps around 1 above normal, precip below normal snowfall below normal/
Eurorussia. North : same as Scandinavia Central Same as Belarus South Same as Ukraine/
Now, if you agree or disagree, lets simply see how things turn out. But that is my idea in more detail now.
Again, you are wonderful. I cant tell you how moved I was by the email, and you know something I brought up a spiritual aspect of it, but it gives me faith also that in spite of what looks to be a world spinning out of control, the basic goodness of people means there is hope for our children.
Sometimes in the weather, if you look hard enough, you can see that there is more at play than just the weather.
ciao for now